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關於yeah asher的評價, 丹眼看電影

【獨立精神獎入圍公佈 獨立小片雨露均霑】   第 35 屆 #獨立精神獎(Film Independent Spirit Awards)於今日凌晨揭曉入圍名單。與先前介紹過的哥譚電影獎一樣,獨立精神獎...

This morning, we surprised Asher with a big boy scooter that he has been “eyeing” for quite a while. He scoots really well in his baby scooter but whenever he spots other kids’ scooters at the park, he will points at it and says “ya ya”. Means he wants it lar 😂 We have also successfully “brainwash” him into wearing a helmet so yeah he’s ready to scoot like a big boy! Look at his priceless expressions! It totally made our day, I hope it made yours too!

This morning, we surprised Asher with a big boy sc...